Equipment health diagnostics and prognostics method based on improved degenerated HMM

Equipment health diagnostics and prognostics method based on improved degenerated HMM
Liu Wenyi
Liu Qinming
Ye Chunming
Li Guanlin
Business School, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, Shanghai 200093, China


In order to solve the problem of large deviation between hidden Markov model and actual equipment health diagnosis, this paper developed an improved degenerated hidden Markov model(DGHMM) with a core of the quasi power relation. Firstly, the model adopted the degradation factors, modeling the process of recession for the equipment's continuous decrease in performance. Compared with the conventional exponential accelerated degradation, the quasi power relation accelerated degradation could better describe the process that the performance of the equipment decreases gradually with the increase of service age. Then, the improved genetic algorithm could replace the conventional EM algorithm for parameters' estimation, which overcame the limitation that the EM algorithm was easy to fall into local optimization. At the same time, in terms of the limitation of life prediction problem as a result of the hidden Markov model must obeyed exponential distribution, an algorithm named greed & approximation based on approximation algorithm and Viterbi algorithm came out, and to seek maximum probability remaining observation, for the purpose of seeking maximum probability dynamically surplus state path, to predict the residual life of equipment. Finally, it validated and evaluated the proposed method with the data set of caterpillar hydraulic pumps. The results show that the method of equipment health diagnosis and life prediction based on the improved degraded hidden Markov model is more effective in describing equipment's degeneration and the accuracy of equipment state diagnosis, and is also feasible in the prediction of residual life.




DOI: 10.19734/j.issn.1001-3695.2020.02.0067
出版期卷: 《计算机应用研究》 Printed Article, 2021年第38卷 第3期
所属栏目: System Development & Application
出版页码: 805-810
文章编号: 1001-3695(2021)03-032-0805-06


[2021-03-05] Printed Article


刘文溢, 刘勤明, 叶春明, 等. 基于改进退化隐马尔可夫模型的设备健康诊断与寿命预测研究 [J]. 计算机应用研究, 2021, 38 (3): 805-810. (Liu Wenyi, Liu Qinming, Ye Chunming, et al. Equipment health diagnostics and prognostics method based on improved degenerated HMM [J]. Application Research of Computers, 2021, 38 (3): 805-810. )


  • 计算机应用研究 月刊
  • Application Research of Computers
  • 刊号 ISSN 1001-3695
    CN  51-1196/TP





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