Deep neural network inpainting method based on optimized receptive field strategy

Deep neural network inpainting method based on optimized receptive field strategy
Liu Enze
Liu Huaming
Wang Xiuyou
Bi Xuehui
College of Computer & Information Engineering, Fuyang Normal University, Fuyang 236000, China


The currently popular image inpainting methods based on deep neural networks typically employ large receptive field feature extractors. However, when restoring local patterns and textures, they often generate artifacts or distorted textures, thus failing to recover the overall semantic and visual structure of the image. To address this issue, a novel image inpainting method, known as Optimized Receptive Field (ORFNet) , is introduced, which combines coarse and fine inpainting by employing an optimized receptive field strategy. Initially, a coarse inpainting result is obtained using a generative adversarial network with a large receptive field. Subsequently, a model with a small receptive field is used to refine local texture details. Finally, a global refinement inpainting is performed using an encoder-decoder network based on attention mechanisms. Validation on the CelebA, Paris StreetView, and Places2 datasets demonstrates that ORFNet outperforms existing representative inpainting methods. It leads to a 1.98 dB increase in PSNR and a 2.49% improvement in SSIM, along with an average 2.4% reduction in LPIPS. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed image inpainting method, showcasing superior performance across various receptive field settings and achieving a more realistic and natural visual outcome.




DOI: 10.19734/j.issn.1001-3695.2023.09.0406
出版期卷: 《计算机应用研究》 Accepted Paper, 2024年第41卷 第6期


[2023-11-15] Accepted Paper


刘恩泽, 刘华明, 王秀友, 等. 基于优化感受野策略的图像修复方法 [J]. 计算机应用研究, 2024, 41 (6). (2024-04-10). (Liu Enze, Liu Huaming, Wang Xiuyou, et al. Deep neural network inpainting method based on optimized receptive field strategy [J]. Application Research of Computers, 2024, 41 (6). (2024-04-10). )


  • 计算机应用研究 月刊
  • Application Research of Computers
  • 刊号 ISSN 1001-3695
    CN  51-1196/TP





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