Secure electronic health records sharing scheme based on blockchain and friend and relative nodes

Secure electronic health records sharing scheme based on blockchain and friend and relative nodes
Liu Huiwen1
Deng Xiaohong1,2
Xiong Weizhi1
Bai Yameng3
1. School of Electronics & Information Engineering, Gannan University of Science & Technology, Ganzhou Jiangxi 341000, China
2. Key Laboratory of Cloud Computing & Big Data, Ganzhou Jiangxi 341000, China
3. School of Information Engineering, Jiaozuo University, Jiaozuo Henan 454003, China


Blockchain technology has great potentiality in the secure sharing of electronic health records. However, current solutions face issues such as large storage space and low consensus efficiency. This paper proposed a novel scheme based on blockchain and multi-signature technology. Firstly, this paper adopted a distributed file system to store users' complete electronic health records on offline servers, and constructed a set of user's friend and relative nodes, they is just responsible for storing user’s data redundantly. Specially, this paper just stored block’s header information on the chain, which reduces storage space. Then, this paper designed a data access mechanism based on multi-signature technology, using Shamir secret sharing mechanism to distribute user's private keys to their relatives and friends. More than half of the relatives and friends can use their own private keys to reconstruct users' private keys, solving data access problems in emergency situations. Finally, this paper proposed a credit based Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus mechanism, which used the top 10% nodes with credit values as the leader node set and utilized a random algorithm to generate the master node in the leader node set, it improved consensus security. The experimental results show that compared with existing methods, the proposed scheme reduces the on-chain storage space by 1/7, improves data access efficiency by 15 times, and has higher consensus security while ensuring good latency and throughput. The proposed scheme can achieve secure and efficient sharing of electronic health records, providing a case for the application of blockchain in the medical field.




DOI: 10.19734/j.issn.1001-3695.2023.08.0380
出版期卷: 《计算机应用研究》 Accepted Paper, 2024年第41卷 第5期


[2023-11-01] Accepted Paper


刘惠文, 邓小鸿, 熊伟志, 等. 基于区块链和亲友节点的电子健康记录安全共享方案 [J]. 计算机应用研究, 2024, 41 (5). (2024-04-10). (Liu Huiwen, Deng Xiaohong, Xiong Weizhi, et al. Secure electronic health records sharing scheme based on blockchain and friend and relative nodes [J]. Application Research of Computers, 2024, 41 (5). (2024-04-10). )


  • 计算机应用研究 月刊
  • Application Research of Computers
  • 刊号 ISSN 1001-3695
    CN  51-1196/TP





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