Research on electric vehicle routing problem based on reinforcement learning

Research on electric vehicle routing problem based on reinforcement learning
Hu Shangmin
Shen Huizhang
Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China

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This paper took the electric vehicle routing problem(EVRP) with constraints of time, load and battery capacity as the research object, it considered its recharging need in transit, constructed a mathematic model aiming at minimizing the total route length, and proposed an algorithm RL-EVRP based on reinforcement learning. The algorithm generated instances sampled from a given distribution, and trained a model by applying a policy gradient method while keeping the route feasible. The trained model could solve other instances from similar distribution without the need to re-train. Simulation results show that the RL-EVRP can get shorter total route length and less number of vehicles and that the reinforcement learning can be applied to complicated combinatorial optimization problem successfully.

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[WARNING] 没有找到 SnippetKey 为 abs-label-doi 的项目: 10.19734/j.issn.1001-3695.2019.07.0260
[WARNING] 没有找到 SnippetKey 为 abs-label-pubiss 的项目: [WARNING] 没有找到 SnippetKey 为 journal-name 的项目 Printed Article, 2020年第37卷 第11期
[WARNING] 没有找到 SnippetKey 为 abs-label-section 的项目: Algorithm Research & Explore
[WARNING] 没有找到 SnippetKey 为 abs-label-pubpage 的项目: 3232-3235
[WARNING] 没有找到 SnippetKey 为 abs-label-sn 的项目: 1001-3695(2020)11-006-3232-04

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[2020-11-05] Printed Article

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胡尚民, 沈惠璋. 基于强化学习的电动车路径优化研究 [J]. 计算机应用研究, 2020, 37 (11): 3232-3235. (Hu Shangmin, Shen Huizhang. Research on electric vehicle routing problem based on reinforcement learning [J]. Application Research of Computers, 2020, 37 (11): 3232-3235. )

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